Saturday, November 15, 2008

Rolling with the Velvias

Film: Fuji Velvia 100f
Format: 120

Slide films are a bunch of unapologetic remorseless bitches that will not ever tolerate underexposure. That is what I learned from this two rolls of film, which are my first rolls of medium format.

My heart still ache looking at the pictures. Yes, there were a few that turned out OK, but overall I don't feel they were worth my effort going around KL on LRTs and by foot through the rain. Frustration is what's left.

Plus side is at least I've been to E6 in Pudu, the only place that sell films other than the normal 400asa, despite not having anything that I found favourable.

So the next roll of Velvia 100f will be straight E6 processing. Perhaps won't even print since medium format slides can be viewed straight from the films.







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